E-Government Software Development Services

Tailor-made software development services for public sector – governmental branches and public authorities


Digital transformation practices are entering all aspects of life for both individuals and society in general. Government bodies and institutions are no exception, with the concept of automated ‘digital state’ getting increasingly more attention and state funding worldwide. 

GP Solutions provides government software development services to help state institutions unveil the true power of digital automation. Our profound custom development for state and local government expertise allows us to create solid and multi-faceted systems in line with the highest standards of security and productivity.

Our Custom Government Software Solutions Are Suited for

Government icon Municipal Institutions
Person icon Local Public Authorities
Case icon Governmental Branch Offices
Discussion icon Specialized Public Agencies

We Help You Move Steps Ahead In Productivity

The team at GP Solutions delivers tailor-made solutions helping governmental institutions and public authorities to:

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Implement in-depth service digitalization

Have a tailor-made social network that will be genuinely yours. From the overall design to the smallest buttons, each part of your social network will be carefully designed and developed in line with your requirements

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Perform seamless technology integration

Our professionals are there for you to work out the smoothest way of integrating newly built software into your existing workflows. Our engineers and business analysts can help develop UI solutions and working procedures that entail minimum stress and maximum benefit to both employees and public users.

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Optimize data management workflows

We can implement all the needed precautions and infrastructure to ensure all data are stored and managed the best way. Our team has in-depth expertise in database management, data analysis and other relevant technologies. And we know how to make the most out of them.

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Establish secure digital environments

We apply top-notch security tools and testing strategies to ensure strong protection of sensitive data. Our aim is to let our clients focus on the key public services they provide, while being properly protected against cyber risks and fraudulent activities.

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Upgrade / re-design existing solutions

Our developers can take your legacy code and either refactor it according to the latest tech standards or get your solution rebuilt completely based on the most appropriate technology stack. We can also extend the functionality of existing public service apps with the tools and modules that you think are missing.

People in the office

What is the tech challenge at your organization? – Let us know.

Technology Services for e-Government of Tomorrow

Whether you are looking for fully custom software solutions for government,  re-assessment and re-design of legacy software that might not be working correctly, removal of redundant manual processes through automation or you would just like to find experienced development talent for your existing team – we can help you.

Full-cycle Custom Government Software Development

Creating custom software providing intuitive experience for both employees and the public is crucial for offering efficient public services. This is especially true now, when citizens are more and more inclined to communicate with the government online.

Our custom software development experience spans over two decades. Our expertise enables us to:

Cover All Crucial Stages of Software Development

Development Process GP Solutions
Development Process

Design and Develop Diverse eGovernment Solutions

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Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems

Solutions of this type help organizations consolidate their diverse workflows and activities as part of a common integrated system. The ERPs we build can encompass a wide range of public sector needs—accounting, planning, human resources, analytics and more.

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Government Management / Reporting Solutions

The performance management software that we build can efficiently support day-to-day operations in governmental agencies by allowing them to keep track of incoming objectives and ongoing projects. It also serves to simplify interaction with citizens and relevant stakeholders.

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Public Web and Mobile Apps

We design and develop complete apps granting users a simple access point for obtaining public services. We pay special attention  to UI/UX experience and offer extensive support covering each stage of the software development process, including necessary support and updates after the release.

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Efficient back-end solutions

Together with our customers we can create powerful solution serving as the foundation for efficient service rendering. We take into account all crucial aspects –  infrastructure, application design, data architecture, business logic and other requirements. 

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Financial and Accounting Solutions

Government accounting can be complicated. One needs to keep track of multiple income and expense positions simultaneously. Our team can either develop or seamlessly integrate systems that streamline financial routines and make accounting work a lot more efficient.

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Public Work Order / Purchase Order Software

One of our fields of expertise is building complex inventory systems. They allow users to track and manage available assets in a much more straightforward way, ensuring better visibility, maintenance and optimal use.

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Citizen Relationship Solutions

Keeping up good relations with citizens is crucial to maintaining a successful community. Communication is the key here. Our custom software can allow government officials to become better communicators. We can elaborate efficient platforms making sure public input is properly received and responded to in a timely manner.

Tanya from GP Solutions

“Looking forward to discuss your project.”


Business Development Expert

Allocation of Dedicated Developers / Teams

Depending on the project requirements and technology stack we allocate appropriately skilled dedicated developers or entire project teams that will deliver your e-government solution according to expectations. Besides, GP Solutions can perform the role of the tech side manager – an ‘outsource CTO’ for the given project.

Our Engagement Models

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Team Augmentation

We are a development company can close your internal development resource gaps by finding and allocating appropriate tech talent to perform assigned tasks. Our clients can apply their own screening process for each candidate we provide. We also assign Customer Success Managers from our side to make sure the performance is according to your expectations.

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Dedicated Teams

We can help government agencies either expand their development capabilities or set up the entire engineering process with less effort by assigning complete engineering teams. We provide transparent software delivery and ensure regular progress reporting from the assigned project managers (PMs).

We Can Fill In Various Positions Within Your Team

Tatyana from GP Solutions
Web browser icon
Back-End Developer
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Database Endineer
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Mobile Developer
Bug icon
Q&A Engineer
Design icon
UX/UI Design
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Project Manager
Search icon
Business Analyst
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System Architect
Administration icon
System Administrator
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Support Specialist
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Front-End Developer
Devops icon
DevOps Engineer

Robust programming languages and tools for modern e-government 

Our team relies on the leading development technologies to create top-notch e-government software solutions for public authorities.

man at the computer

Back-end programming

Front-end programming

Functional programming languages

Mobile development

Database management


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Back-end programming

and more (etc.)
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Front-end programming

and more (etc.)
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Functional programming languages

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Mobile development

React Native
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Database management

Oracle SQL
Microsoft SQL
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Disruptive tech in our stack

Blockchain icon Blockchain
Cloud icon Cloud
Data icon Big Data
AI icon A.I.
Gear icon Machine Learning
Blocks icon Low-Code / No-Code

Cooperation Models

We let our clients choose the mode of cooperation that is most appropriate for the given stack of requirements, budget and timeframes

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Fixed Price

Best suited for

Short- to mid-term projects with a fixed scope of work


  • Fixed and documented requirements;
  • Fixed and transparent budget;
  • Strictly defined cooperation terms;
  • Fixed delivery timeframes.
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Time and Material

Best suited for

Mid- to long-term projects with no strict scope limits


  • Payment according to agreed hourly rates and man-hours;
  • Support of flexible project requirements;
  • Full control over scope and team.

Your government software development is in good hands

GP Solutions has a proven track record in implementing complex custom automation – not only for the public government sector, but also for established businesses operating in retail, automotive industry, banking, travel & hospitality, healthcare and more. 

GP Solutions team