
Project Scope

The project is a touchscreen application for a world-famous car producer and retailer. The program created by GP was designed to help people choose the best suitable car models and further browse through a set of pre-defined technical parameters. Real-time data streams read and processed by a specially designed camera allow the system to scan and analyze human emotions and appearance and use the collected data to search for the most appropriate car for each user. The users are also given the option to change vehicle colors, interior design, wheel format and simulate driving experience.



  • Since the requirements stack for the project was quite unique, GP Team had to perform careful data analysis in order to choose the appropriate technologies and solutions to be used for project implementation;
  • Proper technical means had to be chosen to support non-standard touch gestures and behavior for the touchscreen interface of the product;
  • The application had to support the components and technology stack previously introduced by other suppliers;
  • A major task for GP Team was to resolve the complexities related to data input on Windows 8 platform (other devices were supported properly)


  • SQLite was chosen to store project data. Its compact structure and simultaneous support of multiple request channels perfectly matched the project objectives.
  • A gallery of exclusive content and high-resolution graphics were prepared by the design team and loaded into the system
  • Static HD video streaming solution with minimized response time was applied to ensure real-time analysis of video streams
  • GP team implemented a hi-tech face recognition system allowing to read customer emotions and match them with specific vehicle attributes pre-defined in the database
  • A specific car configurator was built, allowing users to customize selected vehicles in line with their desired look-and-feel
To-do list


  • The project was made cross-platform and the Windows 8 challenge was successfully resolved
  • The project was implemented on time, within the planned budget, and was applied in a luxurious car pavilion in Moscow.
  • Solutions provided by GP were highly appreciated by the clients and were regularly made use of prior to making car purchase decisions.
  • The top-notch technology by GP received widespread media coverage and attracted many new clients to the car pavilion where it was applied.
  • The customer is now planning to further expand the use of this technology and introduce it to its other dealer centers and pavilions.
Salesforce development

Technologies Used:



Project Duration:

14 months



1176 man-days